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Thread #82028   Message #2041852
Posted By: Dickey
02-May-07 - 10:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Tara wrote:
The majority of Americans honestly have absolutley no clue what is really going on in Iraq and why exactly our troops are there. The middle East has been at war over religion for hundreds of years; obviously if they haven't been able to solve it on their own to this day, they most likely never will be. That is where America steps in. If we want to remain the leading country, we have to do just that: LEAD the world! And that involves taking risks and spending large amounts of money and risking the lives of incredibly brave soldiers to help out another country that is in desperate need. Americans are so wrapped up in themselves and too worried about gas prices increasing by one dollar when there are MUCH bigger issues at hand going on the world. We are the richest country and naturally the most selfish country. Our poorest communities don't even come close to comparing to the poverty in entire COUNTRIES in the middle east. Their women are treated like slaves and their children are raised at the age of 4 to be martyrs! How can our country prosper when the entire world is at stake??? Everyone has this false hatred for Bush, but when you ask them why they hate him, they have no substantial supporting reasons; they are just basing their opinion off of what the majority of the nation thinks. Everyone thinks we are in Iraq for the oil, but that is not entirely true. Bush has to tell white lies; just like every normal president does. He has to say things in order to obtain support from the people with the money. And the only way he will get financial backing from those people is if they are under the impression that they are going to get something out of it. So yes, maybe we are there for some oil; but Bush's main goal is to first establish a democracy and liberate the women and children so that in the future, we will never have to fear another terrorist attack like 9/11. My parents were frustrating me the other day because they were complaining about the rising costs of gas in the U.S. and they were blaiming everything on Bush and saying how terrible of a President he is, so I had to bring them back to reality. I said to them, "Listen to yourselves! You have three cars, a beautiful home with no mortgage payment, a brand new trailer, a huge back yard, vacations, steady jobs, substantial income, freedom, laughter, love, and all you can moan about is gas prices????" I told them exactly what I am writing to all of those reading this blog! WAKE UP AMERICA! There are way more important issues at hand going on in the world! If we vote for a president that plans to pull out of Iraq, we are in for some hell for the next 4 years or longer! I am not by any means fond of Bush, but we need to give him a break and a little credit sometimes. He has had to lead a nation through some of its toughest times in our nation's history - Hurricane Katrina, Tsunami, 9/11, the world hating him, etc. He can't please everyone; no one can. He has his downfalls, but one thing I am sure of as an American citizen is that we NEED to be in Iraq and the minute we pull our troops out and scratch this whole plan, we are doomed. It will just open the door for more terrorist attacks. So please, I hope that you do some solid research before you make your vote for 2008.

One more thing I wanted to point out is that everyone hates Bush; but the same was the case with Lincoln, and yet today, he is considered one of the best and most influential presidents in US History! At the time of his presidency, Americans hated him for wanted to abolish slavery, but of course now he is a hero and changed the entire world! Maybe 20 years from now, Americans will look back and regret their hatred for Bush and think of him as a hero for his relentless efforts to liberate Iraq and the Middle East!

05/02/2007 10:52:28