The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101315   Message #2041921
Posted By: Peace
03-May-07 - 12:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Cheney a Big Fat Liar???...
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cheney a Big Fat Liar???...
If he were a simple child molester or slave trader whose main function was the procurement of innocents for use in the sex industry there might be cause for argument that he is able to be rehabilitated and returned to society to become a useful citizen. As it is, either of those two 'occupations' would be at least fifty steps up the ladder he's on. I hope the piece of shit spends the rest of his life in a Turkish prison as the unwilling boyfriend of the meanest, nastiest louse and disease-ridden sodomist in the whole joint. And I hope that if there is reincarnation he spends his next life in that same prison. It would be ultra nice if someone gave him a thousand micrograms of bad acid and played the movie "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" for him with his eyelids sewn open. I hope he dies screaming. Seeing as how the aforementioned is unlikely to happen, I think it would be good if he slipped on the stairs and broke his useless fucking neck. I wish the people he has killed in his mad scramble for power and riches are waiting for him on the other side of this life. Warmest regards, Mr Cheney.