The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101327   Message #2042531
Posted By: GUEST,AAF (Another Aging Folkie)
03-May-07 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Indignities of Aging: the Sordid Truth
Subject: RE: BS: Indignities of Aging: the Sordid Truth
So I shouldn't mention my skid-marked drawers?

I'll be damned-- yes.

Since you failed to specify the particulars, I will go into detail. You can stop reading now, or at least you may wish to put your coffee down.

I can wipe post-poop and find that I am totally clean, and then an hour later, I'm not, and it burns and itches. I mean, I am rigorously particular about keeping that area clean, and I have the washcloths and empty generic Cetaphil (no rinse, no burn) to prove it.

I can be squeaky clean and then, very soon after, not so clean. I can't remember if I farted in between; maybe that's the mechanism of the leak. (Rename them flarts?)

But this is a new thing in the last year. So it must be a function of aging sphincter muscle, and it must be why adult wipes are now widely available in stores in purse packs! (We feel alone, but are never really alone?)

It is definitely not a function of diet. I'm so full of the right kinds of fiber that there should be no loose matter. I think it sweats in there. But that also would explain the elderly's apparent modern obsession with fiber. They just aren't telling us why. And this may also account for the frequent musty old-man smell.

Just one of the privileges of getting older.

It's like that damned menopause-- they've been too shy to tell us the whole sordid story too.

Damn it to hell! I AM going to work out an exercise for that
sphincter muscle, and when I do I am going to talk about it. Shit, all that work I did to stop being such a tightass, now it's gotta go the other way.

Here's to tighter asses,