The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2042769
Posted By: GUEST,Dog Trainer
03-May-07 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
It seems to be that you think you are an expert on everything. You clearly have the *right* answers to everything or so you think. Dogs have much more sensitive hearing than humans. Do you not understand that? I feel badly for your dog. I hope it soothes his poor little ears to know that you are *right* enough to feel the need to boast about it here. Oh boy. Goodie for you.

It also seems that if the opening to let your dog out at night is not large enough for you to fit through, perhaps you should put a leash on the dog and walk him around yourself. Wouldn't that add to your athletic workout schedule that you babble on about? I'm sure a walk out the door wouldn't have been too taxing for you. Again, I pity the dog.