The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2042836
Posted By: Dickey
03-May-07 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Revenue Blow Out

The U.S. Treasury Department reported a gusher of tax revenue last week. Tuesday alone, the Treasury received $48.7 billion from individual taxpayers as their final tax payment for 2006, an all-time single-day record, and one-third higher than the same day last year.

Based on information available through Friday, we estimate federal receipts at about $390 billion in April. This would be the largest tax take for any month in American history, up 25% versus last April, and up 18% versus the previous record high in April 2001.

With incomes and profits growing rapidly, the U.S. budget deficit will fall to about $145 billion during the twelve months ending in April. To put this in perspective, the deficit was $455 billion as recently as three years ago (the twelve months through April 2004).}
the rest

Apparently the administration is doing something right.

The deficit problem is not in the collection of taxes, it is in CONGRESS. Since the dems have taken over congress, have the earmarks subsided? I think not!!

It is damn easy to spend money that is not your own. Especially when these jerks are competition to see who can spend the most.
It does not matter if it is a republican or democrat,both with fiddle while entitlement dollars creep higher and higher.
Do even one of the so called "PUBLIC SERVANTS" GIVE A DAMN?
We need a few honest folks in congress.We need the reincarnation of folks like Sen.Proxmire that will expose congress for what it really is...