The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2043217
Posted By: wysiwyg
04-May-07 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
I pity people who "out" themselves every time they post as a Guest.

I pity people who are so focused on flaming ME, even in a thread celebrating our pets' proclivities, that they can take no joy in the progress of a dog.

I pity someone who calls themselves a "Dog Trainer" who tries to train dogs online, even dogs with whom they have no training role.

I pity any so-called "Dog Trainer" who would clearly be incapable of dealing effectively with any dog's human owners and who probably has a long list of personal and professional failures that they blame on everyone else around them who has not cared to work with them.

I pity people who would rather try to train people like dogs, than treat people like people and enjoy dogs as dogs.

I pity people who not only project their need to be experts about everything, onto other people, but who have made a career out of getting endless degrees.

I pity people who complain and complain about me, to find that no one is listening because the whole community already knows more than I do about their history of shit-stirring, whiny bullshit.

Have a nice day. And oh yes, the director of the local PSPCA is waiting for your call to report the dog abuse-- and the dog yard he has seen and found more than adequate for the dogs who use it, and who trusts us to foster dogs.

Better yet, call our Bishop. Again. :~) Better yet, he'll be here next week. Do join us for lunch!
