The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2043625
Posted By: Donuel
04-May-07 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
I INDICT YOU! You know who you are.

I listened to the actual neocons, war contractors and PNAC think tank people in the same room, what I heard was an amazing pattern of congratulating each other on what they perceived to be the "strength" in which something was said

After someone said something, you heard a quick "that was strong" or "yes that had power", when in fact what was said was nonsense in the light of cultural understanding, historic fact and common sense.

After listening for 10 minutes, a voice inside me said "everything these guys have learned, they learned in junior high school".

It makes me terribly sad to see how this country is controlled by shallow egos, shallow thinkers and shallow ethics.

It makes me angry that a arch criminal like Ossama bin Laden can see the predictable cowboy mentality of our administration and manipulate our "leaders" with a prophetic clarity of thought and systematically bankrupt and isolate the United States of America.

Any numbers of people on this forum know this to be true. We knew this to be true 6 years ago.

Now we are being told that we acted with the best of intentions or that mistakes were made but "we must deal with where we are now"

They were either cowards or active war criminals then, and they are cowards and war criminals to this day.

We began this fiasco touting 21st century weapons of surgical precision guided by satellites in space...

and now we use 1st century walls and medieval torture.

We drive young men around until they get blown up so that we can locate the enemy.

We all know this.

Some of us know the real threat to national security is the coming global warming droughts, floods, famines, fires and a frozen Europe who will evacuate to the south.

What is our civilized response to these events?

Our response is similar to the war criminals.

We are cowards and criminally negligent.