The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101360   Message #2043987
Posted By: Becca72
05-May-07 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cats
Subject: RE: BS: Cats
I've had cats since I was 5 years old (that would be 30 years) and the only one that was ever let outside was the 1st one. He "never came home" and that was it. NO MORE outdoor cats. It is not very difficult to keep a cat from running outside if you try. I keep a can of treats near the door for when I come in (or I block their escape with whatever I'm carrying) and I throw a toy in the opposite direction when I leave. They chase the toy, and I duck out. As for the example of when the phone/cable/electrical worker is coming and going, lock the cat in another room. The outside world is very dangerous to kitties and there is no reason for them to be out there at all. Housecats do not "need" to be outside.