The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101385   Message #2044101
Posted By: bfdk
05-May-07 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: Jed Marum on UTube
Subject: RE: Jed Marum on UTube
Jed, I thoroughly enjoyed the video - once I got the darn browser to stop cutting it into little bits of sound.

gnu, I'm just a wee slip of a girl, and you're a big hunk of a Canuck, so how could I possibly put you in the sh***?

However, I shall have to think up some other suitable form of punishment.. Hmmm... was about to shout "gnu, cellar", but knowing who you'd be likely to meet there, and guessing that the gentleman in question probably has a couple of bottles of something + a banjo stacked away there, too, in all likelihood you wouldn't even consider that a punishment, soooo.. :o)

Back to the drawingboard.. Be afraid, gnu, be very afraid ;-)

Best wishes,
