The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19848   Message #204429
Posted By: bbc
31-Mar-00 - 02:00 AM
Thread Name: Beware the 1st of April!
Subject: RE: Beware the 1st of April!
Thanks for the link, alison. It was interesting to read through it again. It's a little hard to explain now how some of us felt then. One good result (I think!) was the Mudcat Resources site, which is just about to have its 1st birthday & already has more than 8,000 visits. When kat mentioned an emergency email list, David got to work & had a site constructed in less than an hour, just for love of his Mudcatting mom. That was neat. Max' joke caused many of us to realize what Mudcat meant to us & what we meant to each other. That never hurts, either, or at least not much.

my best to you all,
