The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101276   Message #2044935
Posted By: Riginslinger
06-May-07 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: illegals prove they are not needed ...
Subject: RE: BS: illegals prove they are not needed ...
"Some of our areas that should be preserved and revert to public lands are being built on, but it is the well-to-do looking for an exclusive playground near to "God's Nature," as the developers brand it, bordering the mountains, on lakes and streams and next to parks that is the problem there."

                   I agree with everything you say here. But it reminds me of those folks who want to argue for the environment while, at the same time supporting illegal immigration. What they say is--"people from third world nations don't consume as much as Americans, so there is no reason to prevent them from coming here."

                     The problem with that argument is obvious. Once they're here, they will certainly start consuming like other Americans. I'm not saying I think that's a good thing--Americans should cut down on their consumption. But after a generation or two, the poorer immigrants will be ready to move into "God's Nature" as a birth right of their own.