The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101276   Message #2044962
Posted By: Jimmy C
06-May-07 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: illegals prove they are not needed ...
Subject: RE: BS: illegals prove they are not needed ...
I am an immigrant myself so I have not too much of a problem with immigrants. I do have a problem however with ILLEGAL immigrants and it has nothing to do with work, population growth or anything racial aspect but -
Countries that accept a certain number of immigrants per year have standards and procedures that must be followed, and this is necessary for security reasons and also for health reasons, The last this a large city needs is an outbreak of some deadly contagious disease that has been carried in by an illegal immigrant, or some fanatic with his own political agenda to set up shop in a large city or near any warehouse that stores toxic substances for example. If legal immigrants can apply, wait their turn , pass their medicals etc and meet all other criteria before they are accepted then the illegals should really have to do the same thing. I do sympathize with their lot but they should be willing to go through the proper channels for everybody's sake.