The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19817   Message #204505
Posted By: Jeri
31-Mar-00 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: compassion or honesty
Subject: RE: BS: compassion or honesty
Beanster, do you mean Grover's Mill?

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. We are ecstatic to announce that Mudcat is now being operated by NMPA, otherwise known as the "Nasty Martian Political Agency." We are finished screwing around with your little database, and have decided to go straight for your creative impulses. We will endeavor to subtly control your minds until you do nothing but discuss information without emotion. We will decimate any feeling of community fostered by the sharing of feelings and opinions not related to actual facts. We have appointed individuals to ensure this plan is implemented. Currently, they may be identified by the appearance of their posts. The Martian to English translator invariably converts the writing to odd fonts and font sizes, but we're working to overcome this. It should be noted that if they fail to supress non-factual discussion, they have been directed to disrupt communication by focusing attention on themselves.

Resistance is will be assimilated."

Er...whoops - wrong aliens...

We are Jeri
The third clique. (Go ahead, create your own - it's easy and fun to be plural!)