The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101388   Message #2045164
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-May-07 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Video of Bush's Nazi roots
Subject: RE: BS: Video of Bush's Nazi roots
As for William Sloane Coffin...fine. Good people can be found in the ranks of virtually any organization. But if you were going to join a club, what would your reaction be to one whose symbol was a Skull and Bones and who had meetings in "The Tomb"? Would it worry you a bit? Well, perhaps not if your Dad had been in it or something like all depends on your general impression, doesn't it?

Millions and millions of ordinary Germans served the Nazis. I doubt that all of them or even most of them were evil people. I bet any number of them were not evil people in the least, but merely regular people who were under a false impression about the larger situation around them.

Virtually NO one in this world is consciously evil. People always are under the impression that they have good reasons for what they are doing. The Korean kid who recently shot all those students, for example, was under the impression that he had been mercilessly persecuted by other students and society and driven to do what he did in self-defence of all decency! He thought the people he was shooting were the "evil" ones!!!

That's what people are like. They always think it's the other guy who is to blame. I'm sure the people who killed John Kennedy were convinced they were doing the world a great moral service...otherwise they would not have done it. But they were murderers.

Never be surprised to find some good people, some brave people, and some downright exemplary people among the ranks of some very bad organizations. The CIA, for example.... ;-)