The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101360   Message #2045169
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-May-07 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cats
Subject: RE: BS: Cats
You could say the same of human beings. Suppose that a superior alien race came here and made us their "pets". Would you want to be an "inside human" or an "outside human"? Remember, Ron, it's dangerous out there! Be glad that your alien master keeps you safely indoors where you are always comfortable and healthy. You will be provided with all the toys you need in order to be happy. ;-)

Your point about the bird, by the way, is rather well taken. Interesting how we think in well-established patterns, isn't it? I've seen places where a bird was allowed to fly around freely in the house. It's great fun for the bird..but it leads to the bird creating a lot of mess all over the place, and he may fly out an open door or window and get lost and suffer an early death as a consequence, so most of us keep our birds in cages for obvious practical reasons.