The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101360   Message #2045366
Posted By: katlaughing
07-May-07 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cats
Subject: RE: BS: Cats
The great thing about animals is they live in the moment, in the now, without fretting themselves to death over what may be. So, they wake up in the morning and do NOT think "Oh, my what shall I do all day cooped up here in this house whilst my minions have gone to work to support me?" Rather it might be, "Hungry, feed me now!" "Bored, catch the mouse, now!" Feeling kinda sleepy, "Curl up and have a nap." Ya notice the buggers AREN'T tossing and turning during their nap wondering where dinner is going to come from or when!**bg**