The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100605   Message #2045645
Posted By: M.Ted
07-May-07 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: E. Howard Hunt names JFK killer
Subject: RE: BS: E. Howard Hunt names JFK killer
I'll go you one better on this, Frank. I went to high school with Thom Hartmann. Even in those days, he was quite imaginative, and he had a knack for putting things together so that they seemed to make a lot of sense. Haven't seen him for years, but when you mentioned him, I googled him and found his website--nice to know he is the same as ever.

I don't go for the Mafia theory, perhaps because I had a lawyer friend who discussed at every opportunity for many years, and I just got sick of it.

I lean more toward the idea that the Kennedys, MLK, and MalcolmX were killed by the KKK. It was the only secret organization that could have mobilized agents in military, police, FBI, Secret Service,and governmental organizations that to execute and conceal the assassination.

Motive? the Kennedys sent Federal troops into the South to force integration--an act of war to some ways of thinking--