The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2045816
Posted By: Amos
08-May-07 - 12:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration

Let's talk about responsibility. The signature on the martching orders, the promoition of links between All Qeda and Iraq where none existed, the insistence on imminent threat, the announcement of the false datum about Niger's uranium, and a thousand other little pellets of piss-poor political propoganda came directly from the leadership and management of the Bush adminitration. To do this they repeatedly had to ignore data, ignore reason, override the voices of others trying to point out errors, and accuse of disloyalty anyone who quesitoned their irrationality.

They never came up with a straight story, they never spoke honestly and plainly, and they spun everything that came their way to support warmongering.

The amount of sheer brazen misdirection and distortion that came through thier media pipeling boggles the imagination.

And they have only made the skimpiest acknowledgement of the errors and lies, never owned up or apologiuzed for anything, and kept right on running and lying.

There are two threads of this title alone, which point to many of these affronts.

There are a dozen others as well, and in those threads are pointers to a hundred links with scores of pages documenting these points.

If you cannot studyt these things for yourself, don't ask someone else to do your homework for you.