The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2046144
Posted By: LilyFestre
08-May-07 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
We have free ranging chickens here on our little homestead and they love to sit on the porch at night, catching any bugs the light attracts. Also, I have a deck full of pots filled with dirt, awaiting various kinds of vegetable plants. Two of my hens have laid a bunch of eggs in two different pots and are now sitting on the eggs. We are hoping the eggs hatch out. :) One variety will be Rhode Island Reds and the other will be Barred Rock chicks. :) Since they are both near a sliding glass door, we have had the pleasure of watching this process...very interesting to say the least!

Yesterday the sun was shining and it was warm outside but the inside of this old house was damp and chilly. I couldn't seem to warm up so I took the dogs outside, sat in the grass and sunshine. Our cocker spaniel was interested in playing fetch. He'd bring me his toy and I'd wing it as far as I could. The puppy, however, was more content to sit with her (ever growing) back against mine while I soaked up some heat. Pretty soon, one of the cats came over and tucked himself under the front legs of the puppy. They played for a bit and then sat quietly watching me toss a toy to the cocker spaniel....everyone content and most happy. I think this will become a family favorite.

One of the puppy's favorite things to do is to go for rides in the car. As I was loading up the kayak this morning and some gear, she hopped in the backseat and looked at me with eyes that wanted to know where we were going. Sadly, I had to tell her that she couldn't go today. If I was just going for a ride, she would be more than welcome but because I am going to knit with a group of ladies, hit the grocery store and go kayaking, it's far too long for her to be in the car (although she is allowed in the church to knit)....not to mention that it is entirely too warm.

As she grows, I'm sure the list of favorite things will increase as she shows us what she loves best.
