The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101518   Message #2048818
Posted By: Gurney
11-May-07 - 01:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: KFC Steal the dictionary
Subject: RE: BS: KFC Steal the dictionary
I'm with Leeneia, I think it's suspect, too.

Knowing the English, I should think they'd go there and order the 'Family Feast' in loud, goading voices. So it would be good advertising.

The London firm of Harrods are also sensitive about their name, and even the font that it is written in. They threatened a New Zealand firm of the same name (Owned by a man named Harrod!) and a London market-trader whose stall was called Harrods, 'arrods, and finally Arrabs. Harrods is owned by someone of middle-eastern origin.

I'm not sure if they have an apostrophe or not.