The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101527   Message #2048912
Posted By: Joe Offer
11-May-07 - 03:18 AM
Thread Name: Robbins School Songbooks, 1930s-50s
Subject: Index: American Cowboy Songs (Big 3)
OK, so here's something interesting. I have a copy of the Robbins American Cowboy Songs: Enlarged Edition, 96 pages, undated, price 95 cents, with an address for Robbins Music Corporation at 1540 Broadway, New York 36, NY (so it's from back in the days before ZIP codes. A quick look through the book comes up with 1960 copyright renewals on some of the songs.
I have another book, American Cowboy Songs: Revised Edition, also 96 pages, undated, no price, with some songs with 1971 copyright renewals. The publisher of this book is The Big 3 Music Corporation, New York, NY (no address or postal zone). It's basically the same book, but lots of songs are different - the "Cowboy" song that glares out at me is "Leaving on a Jet Plane."

Here are the songs in this book:

Looks like most of the added songs are pop songs from the 1960's, not cowboy songs at all. And they replace legitimate cowboy songs, which is a shame [well, I suppose they replace Tin Pan Alley cowboy songs, but I like Tin Pan Alley cowboy songs]. I'd say the earlier book is far better. Who wants to find Engelbert Humperdinck's "Release Me" in a book of cowboy songs (actually, it's a 1954 song, popularized by Humperdinck in the 1960's)

So, did Big 3 buy out Robbins, or just this series of books?
Thanks for starting this thread, Bob.
