The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101438   Message #2049317
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-May-07 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: 10 commandments...west virginia style
Subject: RE: BS: 10 commandments...west virginia style
No, I'm a Canadian, and I love jokes which stereotype Canadians as toque-wearing halfwits who chug maple syrup, have a 35-man armed forces with a couple of snowmobiles and a crop duster, and say "eh?" at the end of every sentence. ;-)

I know not to take it seriously, eh?

I would really relish a thread like this on the "10 Commandments - Canada Style". It would be interesting to see what people came up with, and it would probably tell me something about the mythology out there.

Regarding the tractor stuff, robomatic: We had a neighbour who unfortunately drove over his 10-year old son, Johnnie, with a full sized tractor while doing some farm work. The main wheel went right over the boy's midriff. Johnnie survived, amazingly enough, but his health was never right again afterward. That boy was the strongest kid for his age that I have ever seen, and I guess that is what accounts for the fact that it didn't kill him outright. He had the kind of physique that would lead a person to become a professional wrestler in adulthood.