The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101553 Message #2049407
Posted By: Mrrzy
11-May-07 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: 10 Commandments of Canada???
Subject: RE: BS: 10 Commandments of Canada???
1) Let's be nice, eh? / Soyons sympa, eh? 2) It isn't cold / Il ne fait pas froid 3) Let it snow / Qu'il neige 4) Don't fret / T'inquiete pas 5) It's all good / Ca va, ca va 6) What, me worry? / Qui, moi? 7) Happy hunting / Bonne chasse 8) Don't overeat / Laisse-moi un peu de poutine 9) Don't fall down drunk / Encore une 10) Check out them Northern Lights / T'as vu l'aurore?