The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101553 Message #2051092
Posted By: GUEST,Eduard
13-May-07 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: 10 Commandments of Canada???
Subject: RE: BS: 10 Commandments of Canada???
!) What's the deal with the bilgy stuff they call USA beer? 2) If you are east of Quebec, does it make you a newfie? 3) We walk a mile for a beaver (beaver tail is something you eat). 4) Frost burn sex 5) Trunk shovels 6) Salt stained shoes and pants 7) National TV channel, the Weather Network 8) Dodging frost bumps and pot holes a national pass time 9) The Canadian side of Niagra falls rules 10) The glorious sound of early morning windshield scraping