The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12110   Message #2051825
Posted By: orangeslice
14-May-07 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: Best guitars for fingerstyle?
Subject: RE: Best guitars for fingerstyle?
Hmm, I'm still opposed to the classical guitars. The body isn't too bad feeling, and the slightly wider neck of those Taylors sounds like a pretty good idea...I do wish the dreadnaught neck was a LITTLE wider. The Taylor Grand Auditoriums sound interesting...buttt, I can't afford a Taylor, lol.
    I like my callouses and steel strings. I have a soft voice, so I don't need a really loud guitar, and when I need to fill a room...that's what the electric part of acoustic/electric is for, lol.

    Picks, of any sort, I don't like. I have an (I think) unorthodox playing style and using picks interferes with that.

    The Alvarez that I've kinda set my eye on has a cedar top and mahogany sides...and again, from what was just posted about the attributes of mahogany sound...seems like what I'm looking for...