The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101553 Message #2053153
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
16-May-07 - 12:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: 10 Commandments of Canada???
Subject: RE: BS: 10 Commandments of Canada???
Well, LH, I can't help you with any stereotypes, etc. I have little experience of Canada. I haven't been there since 1970. I did enjoy the trip, which was a drive around Lake Superior.
If you read mysteries, I recommend the novels about Benny Cooperman, the Canadian sleuth. I believe they are by Dean Kaplan. I like the way Benny is aware of the Niagara escarpment.
Another Canadian I am aware of is Mimi Blais. She isn't fictional, she is an incredible ragtime pianist from Montreal. If you can ever catch a concert by her, do so.