The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19817   Message #205330
Posted By: TTCM (retired)
01-Apr-00 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: compassion or honesty
Subject: RE: BS: compassion or honesty
True definition of ''vile'' and ''putrid'':A Lafkat with no discernable sense of humor, and whom, when out of the limelight, as temporarily as she can muster, lashes out in self righteous indignation.

(Where is Garg when we really need him. He was so better equipped to deal with the likes of your specie.)

Now be quiet and bend over. You're getting a quadruple dose with the longest needle we can find, for that last outburst. Should keep you in possim form for at least a few days.

--The Vaccine? Don't worry. We'll make more!--