The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101712   Message #2054350
Posted By: JohnInKansas
17-May-07 - 04:07 AM
Thread Name: Tech: WiFi harmful?
Subject: RE: Tech: WiFi harmful?
Jack Campin (16 May 07 - 06:30 PM) cites an "official" demand for investigation as evidence that this is real.

Many such demands are made, some of them are investigated, none of them have ever resulted in scientifically credible evidence of damage to humans.

In response to the "resistance" of the scientific community, new claims frequently include a "but this is different" claim, as does the citation Jack linked:

Unlike phone radiation WiFi exposes everyone in the immediate area.

D.u.u.u.u.h.h.h.??????? - Presumedly the EM waves emitted by telephones and by telephone towers carry little tags that say "I'm a telephone signal" and the EM waves from WiFi emitters have different little tags, and the "ether" that carries these signals reads the tags and knows it should handle the radiation differently?

While it dealt with slightly different context, an explanation of the true scriptures applicable to this discussion appears in the Mudcat Thread: Dark Matter. Be sure to check the link there for the whole story, although be aware that the transcript appears in several ancient languages. You really do need to be able to read them to be "informed."

The article Jack cites also claims "several lawsuits" as evidence that this is a "real" issue. As to whether a lawsuit, successful or otherwise, has "scientific credibility," people might wish to observe the report at This Other Mudcat Thread
