The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94033   Message #2054462
Posted By: Bobert
17-May-07 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Realizations about Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Realizations about Iraq
Truth be known is that the most stable governemnt that Iraq has had since 1926 was the one under Saddam???

This is no joke...

The worst part about this war is that Saddam was one of "our guys" who just needed some attention, you know like when Donnie Rumsfeld took him all those goodies, including a gold plated M-16 (or whatever rifle it was) back in the 80's... And this, BTW, ***after*** Saddam had gassed the Kurds???

But, no, rather than load up a plane full of goodies and go over and appeal to Saddams ego and vanity, Karl Rove & and the neocons came together for different reasons and talked Bush into invading Iraq... The neocons for oil... Rove for pure politics as it was looking as if Bush wouldn't be able to get re-elected without a shiny new war...

Well, look where this has gotten us???

Oil prices thru the roof...

Hundreds of people being killed every week...

Half a trillion dollar$ in debt just for the war...

Instability in the Middle East like we haven't seen since the '67 June Wars...

and worse than that... end in sight with the same stupid thinking people making decisions...

And now, rather than send a message that the US is willing to find a way out of Iraqmire, we sent the wrong message with the appointment of a "War Czar"????

Beam me up, Scotty...
