The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101474   Message #2054889
Posted By: Folkiedave
17-May-07 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
Subject: RE: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
A geodesic dome is an almost spherical structure based on a network of struts arranged on great circles (geodesics) lying approximately on the surface of a sphere. The geodesics intersect to form triangular elements that have local triangular rigidity and yet also distribute the stress across the entire structure.

It is the only man-made structure that gets proportionally stronger as it increases in size.

Taken from Wikipedia. Think Eden Project only smaller.

To chill out - take one or more glasses of cinnamon vodka, some hot chocolate with brandy in an insulated mug, other drinks of choice. Add some music preferably without a bodhran but that is just my prejudice, some nice people and chatter away.

I think that's it anyway. No doubt Daisy will have her own ideas.