The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19817   Message #205509
Posted By: ceitagh
02-Apr-00 - 01:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: compassion or honesty
Subject: RE: BS: compassion or honesty
A quick can PM me with a reply if you have there any way threads that degenerate like this can be posthumously marked, as it is? 'cause I've been gone a coupla days and was looking forward to a typical thotful 'cat discussion and got acres of flamebait instead. I don't want to have to read this, and I don't want to squelch it either...but could a thread that has turned into this be marked 'TTCM' or 'PS' (Possum Shit) or somethin' so I don't have to spend anymore time wadin' thru this crap? I've read enough, I've said my say (on the Pustule thread, since it was shortest) and I don't want to see this again. Is there some way I could set my filter to disregard threads I don't want to see anymore?

(nobodies conscience but my own, thanx muchly!)