The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101762   Message #2055427
Posted By: alanabit
18-May-07 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Does Being Dark Matter?
Subject: RE: BS: Does Being Dark Matter?
Well, I think you have done a lot of work on this subject.
Maybe I can tell a story, which may be relevant here?
I worked for nine years before I finally went to college. That experience may have been on my side, when my fellow students elected me Site President for the whole three years I was there. I enjoyed representing students through the student union and I took the job very seriously. Probably because of my experiences at boarding school, I have always had a particularly short fuse on the subject of bullying. During my time I was involved in cases, which involved bullying in which race and sexuality were factors. I did not feel qualified to become a spokesman for either gay people or black people. Both groups are perfectly capable of speaking out on their own behalf. When they were bullied, I backed them to the hilt. All the people I represented deserved decent treatment.
At the going down dinner, I was awarded college colours, which rather moved me. A well meaning young woman upset me more than she could have imagined by saying, "Well done Alan. You really stuck up for us blacks." I was shocked and upset, even though the remark was well meant and came from a very pleasant and intelligent woman. You see, I had never primarily thought of her as being "black". She was a nice person, a good student and she deserved to enjoy her time there as much as anyone else did. I was (and still am) very sad to think that she was hindered by malice and ignorance. My eyes are misting up even now, twenty-three years later.
What do I think? You must know now.