The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92714   Message #2055626
Posted By: Amos
18-May-07 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
Subject: RE: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
"...Any politician (or party) that remains loyal to this misbegotten, corrupt and scandal-plagued administration is history. It is even becoming clear due to recent federal convictions (and more to follow) of poll workers in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, that Bush may indeed not have rightfully won the election in 2004. Bush and Cheney were meeting with disgraced secretary of state Blackwell in Ohio on election day in Columbus, and the same Internet servers that tried to hide, and subsequently allowed Karl Rove and others to delete thousands of emails, also were the same servers that hosted Blackwell's corrupt Ohio election results. Hmmmm? Fool us twice? (Google: Smartech scandal)

The dam is breaking. Where there is oversight of absolutely corrupted power it will come crashing down. It cannot suffer the light of day or the truth. The people are sick of the fear mongering, the secrecy, the lies about war, the torture, the outing of CIA agents, the unconstitutional signing statements, the politicizing of our government, the abandonment of science, the destruction of the environment and the abolishment of hundreds of regulations meant to protect us and our children. We are sick of the local and national GOP politicians fouling our water and land and using our taxpayer dollars for the benefit of the developers and the corporation, and most of all we are sick of money ruling our souls and owning our government.

Clinging to this sinking ship of fools will be other fools and a political party too loyal to do what's right, and too blind to jump before it is too late. Do we have to wait for Bush to let the next major terror attack hit us before we wake up to his negligence and incompetence? Impeachment is the only patriotic thing to do. Dying in vain for lies is a horrible thing and must be stopped.

Crede Calhoun
Friendsville (Maryland)"....