The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101474   Message #2057236
Posted By: nutty
20-May-07 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
Subject: RE: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
I went to Shepley to support friends but, not being a lover of festivals totally under canvas and having studied the weather forecast, I was sceptical about how much I might enjoy myself.

As it happened I enjoyed the festival immensely despite the inclement weather on Saturday.
The whole atmosphere was of people (folkies and locals) enjoying themselves. It was like a carnival - all colourful and musical.
Obviously there were a few blips but to the untrained eye they would be difficult to spot and will certainly corrected by next year but the positives were there for all to see..........

...   An impressive campsite ...great loos and showers. Good drainage that prevented it turning into a bog as so many do in inclement weather.

...   Substantial marquees - enough to get everyone under cover when the 'showers' descended and to accommodate all bums on seats for the impressive concert line-ups.

...   All ages were well catered for, making it a real family event and as I previously mentioned, really lovely locals who were so supportive.

All credit must go to the Committee for their hard work - lets hope that this was a financial success and that this is the first of many. For I would certainly like to go back again next year.