The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97990   Message #2057470
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
21-May-07 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: smoking in uk pubs
Subject: RE: BS: smoking in uk pubs
Don't come the old soldier now, skipy! If smokers would have agreed to have a seperate smoking area in the first place this may not have happened. Not the bar btw - Everyone has to use the bar to get drinks. A smoking room with the smoke vented where it can do no harm was the only sensible route. You know full well that the 'militant' smokers, including those who use evocative anti-nazi propaganda equating smokers to the Jews in Hitlers Germany, are the ones who have left no option but a blanket ban. Those that insisted on the right to smoke anywhere at any time spoiled it for the sensible smoker, like yourself.

As to the political or hidden agenda. Wake up and smell the coffee yourself. How many people smoke? 25%? 30% 35%? Certainly no more. What politician in their right mind is going to alienate about 70% of the population for the sake of the rights of a militant few in a small percentage of the population. None of them. They want votes and this is going to win them. Nothing to do with car tax or theft or pikeys.

Throw any more red herrings in here and you may as well start a kipper smokery while you stand outside...

