The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101872   Message #2059274
Posted By: Riginslinger
23-May-07 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Monica Goodling
Subject: RE: BS: Monica Goodling
It looks to me like this is what's happening:

       Monic Goodling, a product of Pat Robertson's law school, is dedicated to the idea that America and the world would be better off if the American government, and in particular the justice department and judicial system, remains in control of an ever generating horde of right-wing-religious-wakkos.
       For that reason truth and reality become meaningless and she is gleefully dumping all of the mistakes in the lap of that McNulty guy, thereby clearing the way for Bush, Rove, and Gonzales to go forward to do more damage. Afterall, McNulty has already resigned.
       She's been given immunity for testifying, so she can say whatever she wants, and when it's over she can go back to Pat Robertson's law school and seek foregiveness.
       She, and Pat Roberston too, must think that they are doing the lorD's work.
       And if all else fails, she can always say, "The devil made me do it."