The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33221   Message #2059493
23-May-07 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: Help: Recommend Indie CD Distributor?
Subject: RE: Help: Recommend Indie CD Distributor?
The problem, as in any BUSINESS is that it is run by supply and demand. Any distributer will distribute what the stores, etc. want.
The big guys have the clout I.E. advertising dollars, owning radio stations, etc. The indie has to get noticed thru all the b.s. from the big guys. I say let all the indie guys get together in a particular genre and form our own market. There's a ton of us out there and if we all got together we might be bigger than the big guys that won't give us a shot. If everyone got together, chipped in some money we could, believe it or not, buy or start our own radio stations, magazines, distributers, etc. Many bands/artists make it that aren't that good. Heck, you don't even have to be that good, just offer a sound that people want AND CAN HEAR somewhere.
If you think I'm nuts, fine. If you have any interest in pursuing this concept email me at and put as the subject " indie group growth ".
Who's willing to get aggressive and chip in - we need everyone!
a friend