The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101789   Message #2060457
Posted By: Muttley
25-May-07 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: Amplified buskers strike again
Subject: RE: Amplified buskers strike again
Well typical: hardly worked this term (it's been a lean year so far for us 'casuall relieving teachers) - but the moment I arrange to go out and "right wrongs" and "uphold the oppressed" I end up getting a full weeks' work!

Figures, doesn't it.

Ah well - I plan to approach the manager of another well-populated saturday morning location with a request to busk there and as soon as i get a free day I'll be chatting with the Centre Management dude at our usual spot.

However, keep the conversation happening - it's really interesting to hear others experiences.

LOVED An Buachaill Caol Dubh's story: I take it the Lady Stairs Close is the one that winds down from Lawnmarket to The Mound just upstreet from Deacon Brodies Tavern?
Would it have been viable to have gone down to the Grassmarket and busk there?

I can also sympathise with Liz the Squeak too - except that it's a waste of a good bullet!
Maybe hanging's better as Giles Grandma suggested - that way you could re-use the rope (and if I were of a sadistic frame of mind I could spend some black humour suggesting that they could then 'dance while you play'!!! - But I'm not quite that sick - - - naaaaaaahhhh! Course I am!)
However I must say that what we do is not so much a case of "Everyone wanting to be free to do what they like without asking anyone's permission." as Darowyn suggested - after all, before I busk ANYwhere; I always seek permission from the local traders in the vicinity (or at least the one who owns the forecourt / pavement / square / whatever. I would think others would too.

Anyway - keep up the chat and I'll be back with some results - hopefully positive ones.
