The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101898   Message #2060462
Posted By: Paco Rabanne
25-May-07 - 04:01 AM
Thread Name: Electric guitar for blues
Subject: RE: Electric guitar for blues
My first question would be 'Are you a finger picker or a plectrum man?' also, 'What style of blues do you want to play?'
For a good general purpose dogsbody electric I always favoured a Telecaster. Strats seemed to sustain too much for fingerpicking.You can always ADD sustain with effects.
Copies of said Telecaster are pretty cheap nowadays and aren't the unplayable planks they were 30years ago. My own favourite was ESP Tele with stacked humbuckers and coil taps that at the time, cost me more than a Fender would. Enjoy!