The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19963   Message #206068
Posted By: Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive)
03-Apr-00 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Sooth Medomsley Strike
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Sooth Medomsley Strike
CANDYMAN. A bum bailiff. The man who serves notice of ejectment. The word is almost always used as a term of abuse or contempt. The reason for this is the way these men were regularly used during mining strikes. Pitmen lived in "tied" houses and if they went on strike the coal owners usually evicted them. To do so many bailiffs were needed. They were recruited from the scum of the towns and many street vendors were among those so employed. Some of the street traders sold sticks of candy, their street cry being Dandy-candy, three sticks a penny. So all bum bailiffs were contemptuously described as candymen.