The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3890   Message #20622
Posted By: Bruce O.
04-Feb-98 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: American Revolutionary Songs
Subject: RE: American Revolutionary Songs
Most local libraries have books of American historical ballads with Revolutionary War songs. (See also a thread of 1-2 months ago on "Granuaile" for a rare one of c 1774-6.) However, if you run across one popular one that says "Yankee Doodle" came from "Fisher's Jig" forget that book of nonsense and look for another. John Anthony Scott's 'The Ballad of America' is easily found. There's a little nonsense in there, but it's not real bad.

[There were songs from the other side, too, among which are one or two on the dreaded John Paul Jones.]