The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93458   Message #2062779
Posted By: JWB
28-May-07 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: Mystic Seaport Sea Music Festival 2007
Subject: RE: Mystic Seaport Sea Music Festival 2007
I dug through some old files this weekend and found the poster, performer's list, and other cultch from my first SMF, in 1985. Pretty simple style back then -- photocopied fliers, no program, no pay, and a couple of kegs of ale on the YTB dock. That's one of the changes I regret the most -- the dock with no ale (sounds like a song...).

There has never been an experience to equal the first time I joined the crew on the stage for the final "Leave Her Johnny" and "Old Maui" -- the sonic blast was unbelievable. And it felt like I was home.

Looking forward to next week, even though I won't be arriving until Saturday morning (step-daughter's high school graduation Friday night, bless her heart). I hope to make up for missing Friday's chantey blast on Saturday night.
