The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102013   Message #2063344
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
29-May-07 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Song on the 1780 Coventry Election
Subject: RE: Origins: Song on the 1780 Coventry Election
Roy Palmer's book The Sound of History also has another fragment about Holroyd:

"The name of John Baker Holroyd (1735-1821), a candidate in two bitterly contested elections (one a by-election) in Coventry in 1780, is repeated in one piece with a frequency which would be unremarkable with a brand name in a television commercial today. The tune was 'Hearts of Oak':"

  Then for Holroyd we'll vote, and for Holroyd we'll sing,
  He's a Friend to our Country, our Rights, and our King;
  As a Soldier he'll fight in our Country's Cause,
  As a Member he'll stand by our Rights and our Laws:
  True blue is our colour, true blue are our Men,
  Then always be ready, steady Boys steady,
  To vote for a Holroyd again and again
