The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101583   Message #2063452
Posted By: Hawker
29-May-07 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: FREE Bude (UK) Folk Festival 25-27 May
Subject: RE: FREE Bude (UK) Folk Festival 25-27 May
Harmony Angel, thank you so much for sharing those photos with us, they are lovely!. I have jusy put mine on Flickr HERE

Well where do I start telling all those who missed it, what they missed? It is hard to put into words! The Shiny Bums were absolutely superb, as were all the other folk club guests on the Friday night, and the warm and friendly atmosphere just added to the occasion at The Barn Bar at The Tree Inn. Three In a Bush were enjoyed by all in the Beville Bar too. At the Falcon, there was music and a great night was had by all there too, with the help of Friggin' Riggin'

Saturdays walk was really interesting, led by Andy Thorpe,I even learned things I didn't know about the place where I have lived for 18 years!
The big sing at the Falcon that followed was lovely, we had an amazing array of talent! I am afraid to mention them all, incase I miss anyone, but I have to say I was delighted that Tony Truscott made it to the festival if only for a short time.
I was very disappointed that Anne Lister didnt get any takers for the story telling at The Brasserie, but her performances in the big sing and the evening concert at the Tree Inn made me wish that I had had the time to go and listen, as I am sure it did many others.
The Saturday evening Concert at The Tree Inn was a stunner! what a line up we had to enjoy - and everybody was again welcoming and friendly. Several acts reduced me to tears - either with their moving songs or hysterical jokes which seemed to be very infectious. Phil Williams and Sarah Deere-Jones were stunning, and though I dont think many there had heard of them before, I think they will remember them in future. The Landlord was drafted in to replace an act unable tocome and wowed us with a stunning performance on the highland pipes - ending the evening of course with the Cornish National Anthem - Trelawney This all happened in the Bran Bar, at the Tree Inn, The Salty Dogs II had the Beville bar absolutely jam packed too with thier wonderful music and, while this was going on, I believe there was a good session happening at the Falcon Inn too.
Sunday walk with Harry didn't happen due to the poor weather, There really was a tornado in Bude Bay on Saturday, it was on the local TV. Friggin' Riggin entertained in the Coachman's bar on Sunday morning and a fantastic and unplanned sing happened in the brasserie conservatory. The afternoon concert was another stunning array of talent and Maddie Southorn, a new name to me, blew me away, not only a lovely voice, but a lovely girl too. Thanks to Roger Bryant for agreeing to MC at 10 minute's notice and Carole and Andrew for stepping in to replace Thorn & Roses, and for singing Childe, for KB unrehearsed!!!!! What stars!
While the concert was on,Friggin' Riggin kept it going in the bar.
The evening ceilidh with The Oggle Band was fantastic, a chance for all to socialise, dance and have a great end ing to the festival, guest spots from George Papavgeris and Willow completed the evening and Geordie Porgy was our stunning MC for the evening.
WOW! what a weekend! I humbly thank all who performed, all who came, all who helped in any way and God that it all went well!
Be assured there will be more of the same next year, somehow! It was worth the hard work, thank you all so much!
Cheers, Lucy