The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102027   Message #2063537
Posted By: Jack Campin
29-May-07 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Tech: How to buy SIM card in UK?
Subject: RE: Tech: How to buy SIM card in UK?
Walk into shop. Buy one.

The best deals are in Asian-run this-&-that shops which also offer mobile unlocking services and international calling cards. Locally the going rate at those places is 3.50 pounds for a prepaid card with any of the major services (Orange, O2, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Virgin). From a high street shop run by one of those firms, it will cost you several times as much and you'll have to put up with a creepy spiel aimed at getting you to sign up for a contract Faust would have recoiled at.