The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82318   Message #2065084
Posted By: Bee
31-May-07 - 02:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: No Dinos in the bible? wtf....
Subject: RE: BS: No Dinos in the bible? wtf....
Oh dear, weedwacker44, you may believe that, it is your right, but there isn't a shred of evidence to back you up. Leviathan could have been a whale, or a giant squid, or a fairy tale monster, and there are controversies over that word translated as 'dragon'. There's also not a shred of evidence for a global flood; Noah's ark, as described, could not float, nor could it carry the required number of animals, nor the food for them, nor did it reputedly even carry enough humans to clean up the mountains of manure, nor enough humans to account for the genetic heritage of humanity. It's a fine fable, a great story, with all kinds of interesting moral points (some of them frankly rather appalling), but it is not a historical account, and dinosaurs did not walk with us, except possibly as modern birds.