The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102051   Message #2065360
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
31-May-07 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death
Subject: RE: BS: Death

What a great title for a thread. I like it. Simple and straight to the point. There are two GREAT dramatic things in life. Those two are love and death. You ain't got no story worth readin' without 'em. That's my opinion.

I have seen a lotta death. Stiffs are common in my line of work. I have seen death by gunshot wound, strangulation, fallin' off tall buildings or out windows, gettin' run over by cars, trucks, and railroad trains, bein' bitten, bein' stabbed, gettin' blown up, poisoned, squashed, minced, smothered, drowned, and electrocuted. I have seen dead humans, dead gorillas, dead chimps, dead monkeys, dead orangutans, dead baboons, and dead dogs. Too bad about the chimps...

But I guess I would have to say that some of 'em deserved it.

The thing they all had in common was that they didn't have nothin' to say after they was dead. Not a friggin' word.

So if you want some peace and quiet, just hang out with some stiffs now and then.

One more point. If it was not for violent death, I would probably be on the bread line. My most lucrative cases have all involved situations that brought with 'em a certain amount of mayhem.

I concur with what most of the folks here have said. A dead body is just a vacated hunk of meat. The personality that was in it has departed to a better place....or a worse one. That's how I figger it. I got my fingers crossed when it comes my time. I am tryin' to do at least one good deed a day and I don't rob poor boxes or drink when I'm in church. A guy can't be too careful about stuff like that.