The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102006   Message #2065881
Posted By: M.Ted
01-Jun-07 - 02:03 PM
Thread Name: Sgt. Pepper (the usual nostalgia crap)
Subject: RE: Sgt. Pepper (the usual nostalgia crap)
Good points,PG--I'll keep my eye out for that Shea Stadium DVD--

The Beatles multi-track, multi-layer efforts in Sgt Pepper set the standard for what Rock/Pop was to become--which, essentially, was studio-created music. The live sound of a band stopped being important--going back and listening to older music, up to and including the early Beatles, you have the sense of real bands, with distinctive parts (and yes, I know that it wasn't really a live sound, but it was engineered so you'd percieve it as a live sound)--

Anyway, that's all gone the way of the dodo, and even kids in the garage are now creating music based on what it sounds like in the box, rather than in the room--