The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102053   Message #2066066
Posted By: Geordie-Peorgie
01-Jun-07 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: Did you go to Bude?
Subject: RE: Did you go to Bude?
Aye! Anne Lister wez blisterin' and, of course, so wez George P.

Te be honest aah cannit remember a nicer, more friendly weekend since aah wez in Singapore in 1967 and had the 'Fruit Salad' special with a wumman of negotiable affection - Aah'll tell yez aboot it one day! - Bubblyrat might knaah what aah'm taalkin' aboot!!

Aah knaah that aah laboured the point aboot bein' available next year but aah've ownly got another 3 years of giggin' in uz and then aah'm ganna be a punter with one guitar gannin' te sessions, so aah wanna be sure aah'm in at the moment.

Once aah buy me boat (TLS dizzent knaah yet) aah wivvent hev time for much folk clubbin' - Although once aah get a map of aall the canals... ye nivvor knaah. Is Bude canal linked te the rest of the country??

Aah wez ganna make a tasteless comment there aboot 'not many seals aboot te gan clubbin' with' but aah thowt better of it