The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102115   Message #2066118
Posted By: Big Mick
01-Jun-07 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: Celtic/Irish/Scottish - for Penguin Egg
Subject: Celtic/Irish/Scottish - for Penguin Egg
Here, Penguin Egg, so you will stop hijacking a thread about something else. But the subject is a pet peeve of mine, so let's talk it out. We have done so before, a number of times, on Mudcat, but let's get fresh perspective.

It bothers me no end when I see folks toss around the term Celtic to describe music as if that was an accurate description of some kind of music. It is akin to someone asking you what kind of car you drive and you answer "an American car". Celtic music contains many distinct types of music, from Brittany, Spain, Ireland, Isle of Mann, England, Scotland, etc. Within each of those place names there are any number of subsets. Another one that makes me nuts is when (like this last weekend) when I see someone selling "Celtic" paraphanalia and posters, and the only thing "Celtic" about it is the intertwining lines. The posters usually mix up Irish, Scottish and European Celtic symbols in a way that only makes sense to the uninformed and easily entertained.

Be warned! If I meet you and you tell me you play "Celtic" music, I am going to quiz you mercilessly to determine what part of Celtic culture, geography, and style you play.

There you go, Penguin Egg. It's all yours.

Rant off,
